What Courses Are Needed For a Ph.D in Accounting?

Ph.D in AccountingResearching the courses needed for a Ph.D in Accounting is the easiest way for students to learn more about their future schooling. Though only a small number of colleges and universities across the country offer doctorate programs, graduating from one of those programs can significantly increase your future earnings. In addition to completing classes in a range of topics, you’ll also need to complete a dissertation before graduating.

Survey and Math Courses

The courses that you complete at the graduate level often involve a number of math, statistics and survey courses. Designed to ensure that students can handle both minor and major mathematical problems, these courses can include calculus, algebra and advanced statistics. Ph.D programs also require that students take several high level survey classes. These classes will show you how to research information, create a hypothesis and determine if your hypothesis is correct. Many Ph.D accounting programs also delve into research methods and the methodologies behind performing different types of research.

Economics and Finance Classes

Whether you hope to work in the private or public sector, you can also look forward to taking courses on economics and finance. Microeconomics and macroeconomics are just two of these courses needed for a Ph.D in Accounting. As an accountant, you must have a strong understanding of how the business world works and how different economic factors can affect your employer. Some of the more advanced economics courses available at the Ph.D level focus on how the decisions that you make can affect the finances of your company.

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Advanced Accounting Courses

Though most Ph.D programs require that students take some general education courses and courses relating to business, those programs also require the completion of various advanced accounting courses. Financial reporting is a course offered by many of these schools, and this type of course shows you how to create financial statements and how to analyze the financial information given to you. You’ll learn more about how companies budget for expenses and other factors and how to keep your business running under budget. Many schools also offer advanced accounting seminars. These seminars let you learn in a classroom setting before taking the knowledge that you learn and building a project that relates back to the topic you studied.

Dissertation Work

According to The Journal of Accountancy, students enter accounting Ph.D programs to increase their earnings, have more time for their families and because they want to teach later. Though there aren’t many Ph.D programs in the country, there is a high need for qualified accounting professors all across the country. If you hope to teach accounting, you need to complete the courses needed for a Ph.D in Accounting and complete your dissertation. A dissertation is a long research project that you work on throughout the program. You pick an accounting topic, complete research on your own and work with a professor in your program on your paper or project. Most schools require that students meet with a panel of professors and defend their work later.

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Many schools only hire accounting professors who have a Ph.D, and you’ll often find that you can earn more in the private sector with a doctorate too. Graduating from one of these programs requires that you complete a dissertation and take the required courses needed for a Ph.D in Accounting.